Tue. Jul 16th, 2024

Young Scholars Workshop in Hong Kong


Join the Institute for New Economic Thinking in Hong Kong, as we tackle the most vital economic and social challenges of the 21st century. INET’s Fourth Annual Plenary Conference, co-sponsored by the Fung Global Institute, will be held on April 4-7, 2013.
In addition to the main conference, INET’s Young Scholars Initiative (YSI) will hold a graduate student workshop in the two days before the conference, on Tuesday and Wednesday, April 2-3, 2013. The workshop consists of lectures in the morning and student presentations in the afternoon.
In the first mini-course, Philip Mirowski and Edward Nik-Khah will offer a narrative of the development of 20th century economics with particular focus on how the market came to be viewed as a processor of information or knowledge. Watch the INET interview with Phil here and download the detailed course description below.
In the second mini-course, Daniel McDonald and Darren Homrighausen will introduce modern techniques from statistical learning and their application to economic problems. While these methods have revolutionized pattern recognition and artificial intelligence, they represent new thinking in economics. Daniel collaborates with Cosma Shalizi on the INET grant “Model Complexity and Prediction Error in Macroeconomic Forecasting”; watch a video interview with Cosma here.
Mini Course A
History of Information and Market Construction in 20th Century Economics
Philip Mirowski, Carl Koch Professor of Economics and the History and Philosophy of Science, University of Notre Dame
Edward Nik-Khah, Associate Professor of Economics, Roanoke College
Mini Course B
Statistical Learning with Applications to Economics
Darren Homrighausen, Assistant Professor of Statistics, Colorado State University
Daniel J. McDonald, Assistant Professor, Indiana University
Student presentations
The primary aim of the workshop is to give graduate students the opportunity to present and discuss their research work in a collaborative environment. We will allocate about 40 minutes to each paper (15 minutes for presentation, 5 minutes for comments by a discussant and 20 minutes for general discussion). If you choose to present, we will ask you to serve as discussant for another student’s paper. Enter your paper’s title and abstract in the application form, and submit the final version to us no later than March 21. (Time is limited, so only about half of the students will get to present a paper.)
How to apply and what you get
Participation is free for those accepted. INET will arrange your travel and hotel room and provide meals. Be prepared to arrive in Hong Kong on Monday, April 1, and to depart on Sunday, April 7.
To apply, you should be a PhD student in economics or related fields (qualified Master students may apply too). All you need to do is complete the application form before Sunday, February 24, 2013, 11.59pm (EST). We will announce the outcome of your application by Thursday, February 28.
Should your application be successful, you may attend not only the young scholars workshop in the two days before the main conference, but as a conference participant you will have full access to all program activities, and opportunity to confer with the over 350 scholars, policy makers, and journalists also in attendance.
Further information and material at http://ineteconomics.org/ysi-hong-kong

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