Tue. Jul 16th, 2024

“Reconstruction in Europe, 100 Years Later” (Annals of the Fondazione Luigi Einaudi, LI – 2)

In the same spirit of the Reconstruction Supplements of the Manchester Guardian Commercial, planned and edited by John Maynard Keynes from April 1922 to January 1923, the second issue of the Annals aims at investigating, starting from this intriguing historical parallel, the “reconstruction” made necessary by the current European – financial, economic, industrial and political – crisis.
Contributors include Michael Ambrosi, Giuseppe Bertola, Marco Bresciani, Tiziana Caponio, Peter Clarke, Luca Einaudi, Maurizio Ferrera, Jan Kregel, Lucia Quaglia, Francesco Saraceno, Mario Telò, Vittorio Valli.


Annals of the Fondazione Luigi Einaudi. An Interdisciplinary Journal of Economics, History and Political Science
VOLUME LI 2 – 2017

(to access articles: www.annalsfondazioneluigieinaudi.it/en/browse/current-issue. The complete digital collection is hosted by “Torrossa – Casalini full text platform“; see the tutorial for purchasing issues and articles)

“Reconstruction in Europe, 100 Years Later” will be presented on Monday 19 February, 3 pm, Fondazione Luigi Einaudi, Torino (Via Principe Amedeo 34).
Speakers: G. Berta, P. Ciocca, B. Curli, A. Iozzo, F. Romero.
Opening remarks: R. Marchionatti.


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