Mon. Sep 2nd, 2024

“Innovation, Growth and International Production. Models and Data Analysis” (Advanced Course 2022, Univ. di Roma La Sapienza)


[:en]Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Economics and Law
University of Urbino Carlo Bo, Department of Economics, Society and Politics
Scuola Normale Superiore, Istituto di Studi Avanzati ‘Carlo Azeglio Ciampi’
in collaboration with
Marche Polytechnic University, Ph.D. Programme in Economics
Roma Tre University, Ph.D. Programme in Economics

Advanced Course 2022
17th Edition 
Innovation, Growth and International Production.
Models and Data Analysis

Faculty of Economics, Sapienza University of Rome
Via del Castro Laurenziano 9, Roma

23-27 May, 2022 

Venue: in presence at Sala Lauree, Palazzina della Presidenza, 2nd floor
Faculty of Economics, Sapienza University of Rome, Via del Castro Laurenziano 9, Roma

Monday, 23 May
Welcome and presentation of the course
Fabrizio D’Ascenzo, Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Sapienza University of Rome
Giovanni Di Bartolomeo, Director of the Department of Economics and Law, Sapienza University of Rome
Massimiliano Tancioni, Director of the Ph.D. in Economics, Sapienza University of Rome
Antonello Zanfei, University of Urbino

Understanding the digital economy
Mario Pianta, Scuola Normale Superiore, Florence

Digital platform economics: power, technology and labour
Dario Guarascio, Sapienza University of Rome

Lunch break

Innovation and employment: an economic analysis
Marco Vivarelli, Catholic University of Milan

Industry 4.0 technologies, firm performance and job flows
Valeria Cirillo, University of Bari

STATA class
Francesca Subioli, Sapienza University of Rome

Tuesday, 24 May
Multinational firms and the localization of production and R&D
Antonello Zanfei, University of Urbino

Evolutionary approaches to the economics of innovation
Luigi Marengo, LUISS University of Rome

Lunch break

The empirics of the innovation-firm growth nexus
Federico Tamagni, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies

Firms in the GVC: challenges in a post-covid world
Anna Giunta and Enrico Marvasi, Roma Tre University

STATA class
Francesca Subioli, Sapienza University of Rome

Wednesday, 25 May

The engines of inequality>
Maurizio Franzini, Sapienza University of Rome

Environmental innovations
Elena Paglialunga, University of Urbino

Lunch break

Wage inequality and education
Michele Raitano, Sapienza University of Rome

A machine learning approach to intergenerational mobility
Francesco Bloise, Sapienza University of Rome

STATA class
Francesca Subioli, Sapienza University of Rome

Thursday, 26 May

Wage regimes and macroeconomic policy in Europe
Massimiliano Tancioni, Sapienza University of Rome

Innovation and firm survival

Elena Cefis, University of Bergamo

Lunch break

Alternative perspectives on labour: knowledge and power inside organizations
Maria Enrica Virgillito, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa

Schumpeter meeting Keynes
Giovanni Dosi, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa
STATA class
Francesca Subioli, Sapienza University of Rome

Friday, 27 May 2022>
Workshop Industrial policy and Italy’s National Recovery and Resilience Plan>

Welcome address
Sabrina Sarto, Deputy Rectress for Scientific Research, Sapienza University of Rome
Giuseppe Ciccarone, Vice Rector, Sapienza University of Rome
Giovanni di Bartolomeo, Head of the Department of Economics and Law, Sapienza University of Rome

Industrial policy after the pandemic>
Chair and introduction:
Mario Pianta, Scuola Normale Superiore, Florence

The return of industrial policy in Europe
Michael Landesmann, WIIW, Vienna

The political crossroads of digital capitalism
Cecilia Rikap, City University of London

Knowledge-intensive public enterprises for a new European industrial policy
Massimo Florio, University of Milan


Shaping green transitions: policies for industrial restructuring
Antonio Andreoni, University College London

New policies, same risks?
The “new” European industrial policy and core-periphery dynamics

Annamaria Simonazzi, Sapienza Università di Roma e Fondazione Brodolini

Technology and industrial policy
Giovanni Dosi, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa


Lunch break

Dopo la pandemia: il PNRR e la politica industriale in Italia
Presiede e introduce:
Dario Guarascio, Sapienza University of Rome

Le politiche di attuazione, monitoraggio e valutazione del PNRR
Aline Pennisi, Ministero dell’Economia e delle Finanze

Le politiche del MISE
Marco Calabrò, Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico

Strategie e finanziamento per l’innovazione
Francesca Bria, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti


Investimenti pubblici e politica industriale
Alberto Quadrio Curzio, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei e Università Cattolica di Milano

La transizione digitale
Francesco Crespi, Università Roma Tre e Centro Economia Digitale

La transizione ecologica
Laura Bruni, Kyoto Club e Schneider Electric Italia

La questione meridionale
Luca Bianchi, Svimez

Un PNRR senza politica industriale?
Mario Pianta, Scuola Normale Superiore, Firenze

Interventi programmati di:
Giorgio Airaudo, Cgil Piemonte
Raffaele Brancati, MET
Marco Di Tommaso, Università di Bologna
Maria Savona, LUISS Roma
Maria Enrica Virgillito, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa

Discussione generale e conclusioni

All teaching will be carried out in presence and in English. The final workshop and round table will be in presence and online. The GMeet link will be provided on the Department of Economics and Law webpage

The Course is oriented to Ph.D. students, post-docs and young scholars. The deadline for applications is 2 May 2022. Applicants will receive the notification of acceptance by no later than 9 May 2022. Please follow the instructions on the website
Applications can be submitted using the following link:
For participants who are not PhD students at the universities that organize the course, a fee of 250 euros is expected for the coverage of organizational costs and teaching materials. The fee should be paid before the course begins with the procedures that will be communicated directly to the participants with the notification of acceptance. Accommodation and subsistence costs will be covered by participants; support for finding accommodation will be provided by local organizers if needed.

STATA classes. Participants are asked to bring their own laptop computer. A basic knowledge of STATA is assumed (data exploration, basic commands, variable generation and manipulation, multivariate regressions).
Some introductive materials to STATA software will be indicated before the start of the Course. Participants are encouraged to request student short-term Stata license at this link before the Course starts. In STATA classes, lecturers will present different databases and will make available data samples on which participants will carry out econometric exercises and interpret the results, in a similar way to the analyses discussed in the lectures.
Participants attending the Course and classes will obtain a certificate of attendance that could be used for credits in their own Ph.D. School

All Course material will be available on the website

For information please contact:

Local organizers:
Valerio Tati
Jelena Reljic
Dario Guarascio dario.guarascio@uniroma1.i

[:it]Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Economics and Law
University of Urbino Carlo Bo, Department of Economics, Society and Politics
Scuola Normale Superiore, Istituto di Studi Avanzati ‘Carlo Azeglio Ciampi’
in collaboration with
Marche Polytechnic University, Ph.D. Programme in Economics
Roma Tre University, Ph.D. Programme in Economics

Advanced Course 2022
17th Edition 
Innovation, Growth and International Production.
Models and Data Analysis

Faculty of Economics, Sapienza University of Rome
Via del Castro Laurenziano 9, Roma

23-27 May, 2022 

Venue: in presence at Sala Lauree, Palazzina della Presidenza, 2nd floor
Faculty of Economics, Sapienza University of Rome, Via del Castro Laurenziano 9, Roma

Monday, 23 May
Welcome and presentation of the course
Fabrizio D’Ascenzo, Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Sapienza University of Rome
Giovanni Di Bartolomeo, Director of the Department of Economics and Law, Sapienza University of Rome
Massimiliano Tancioni, Director of the Ph.D. in Economics, Sapienza University of Rome
Antonello Zanfei, University of Urbino

Understanding the digital economy
Mario Pianta, Scuola Normale Superiore, Florence

Digital platform economics: power, technology and labour
Dario Guarascio, Sapienza University of Rome

Lunch break

Innovation and employment: an economic analysis
Marco Vivarelli, Catholic University of Milan

Industry 4.0 technologies, firm performance and job flows
Valeria Cirillo, University of Bari

STATA class
Francesca Subioli, Sapienza University of Rome

Tuesday, 24 May
Multinational firms and the localization of production and R&D
Antonello Zanfei, University of Urbino

Evolutionary approaches to the economics of innovation
Luigi Marengo, LUISS University of Rome

Lunch break

The empirics of the innovation-firm growth nexus
Federico Tamagni, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies

Firms in the GVC: challenges in a post-covid world
Anna Giunta and Enrico Marvasi, Roma Tre University

STATA class
Francesca Subioli, Sapienza University of Rome

Wednesday, 25 May

The engines of inequality>
Maurizio Franzini, Sapienza University of Rome

Environmental innovations
Elena Paglialunga, University of Urbino

Lunch break

Wage inequality and education
Michele Raitano, Sapienza University of Rome

A machine learning approach to intergenerational mobility
Francesco Bloise, Sapienza University of Rome

STATA class
Francesca Subioli, Sapienza University of Rome

Thursday, 26 May

Wage regimes and macroeconomic policy in Europe
Massimiliano Tancioni, Sapienza University of Rome

Innovation and firm survival

Elena Cefis, University of Bergamo

Lunch break

Alternative perspectives on labour: knowledge and power inside organizations
Maria Enrica Virgillito, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa

Schumpeter meeting Keynes
Giovanni Dosi, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa
STATA class
Francesca Subioli, Sapienza University of Rome

Friday, 27 May 2022>
Workshop Industrial policy and Italy’s National Recovery and Resilience Plan>

Welcome address
Sabrina Sarto, Deputy Rectress for Scientific Research, Sapienza University of Rome
Giuseppe Ciccarone, Vice Rector, Sapienza University of Rome
Giovanni di Bartolomeo, Head of the Department of Economics and Law, Sapienza University of Rome

Industrial policy after the pandemic>
Chair and introduction:
Mario Pianta, Scuola Normale Superiore, Florence

The return of industrial policy in Europe
Michael Landesmann, WIIW, Vienna

The political crossroads of digital capitalism
Cecilia Rikap, City University of London

Knowledge-intensive public enterprises for a new European industrial policy
Massimo Florio, University of Milan


Shaping green transitions: policies for industrial restructuring
Antonio Andreoni, University College London

New policies, same risks?
The “new” European industrial policy and core-periphery dynamics

Annamaria Simonazzi, Sapienza Università di Roma e Fondazione Brodolini

Technology and industrial policy
Giovanni Dosi, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa


Lunch break

Dopo la pandemia: il PNRR e la politica industriale in Italia
Presiede e introduce:
Dario Guarascio, Sapienza University of Rome

Le politiche di attuazione, monitoraggio e valutazione del PNRR
Aline Pennisi, Ministero dell’Economia e delle Finanze

Le politiche del MISE
Marco Calabrò, Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico

Strategie e finanziamento per l’innovazione
Francesca Bria, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti


Investimenti pubblici e politica industriale
Alberto Quadrio Curzio, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei e Università Cattolica di Milano

La transizione digitale
Francesco Crespi, Università Roma Tre e Centro Economia Digitale

La transizione ecologica
Laura Bruni, Kyoto Club e Schneider Electric Italia

La questione meridionale
Luca Bianchi, Svimez

Un PNRR senza politica industriale?
Mario Pianta, Scuola Normale Superiore, Firenze

Interventi programmati di:
Giorgio Airaudo, Cgil Piemonte
Raffaele Brancati, MET
Marco Di Tommaso, Università di Bologna
Maria Savona, LUISS Roma
Maria Enrica Virgillito, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa

Discussione generale e conclusioni

All teaching will be carried out in presence and in English. The final workshop and round table will be in presence and online. The GMeet link will be provided on the Department of Economics and Law webpage

The Course is oriented to Ph.D. students, post-docs and young scholars. The deadline for applications is 2 May 2022. Applicants will receive the notification of acceptance by no later than 9 May 2022. Please follow the instructions on the website
Applications can be submitted using the following link:
For participants who are not PhD students at the universities that organize the course, a fee of 250 euros is expected for the coverage of organizational costs and teaching materials. The fee should be paid before the course begins with the procedures that will be communicated directly to the participants with the notification of acceptance. Accommodation and subsistence costs will be covered by participants; support for finding accommodation will be provided by local organizers if needed.

STATA classes. Participants are asked to bring their own laptop computer. A basic knowledge of STATA is assumed (data exploration, basic commands, variable generation and manipulation, multivariate regressions).
Some introductive materials to STATA software will be indicated before the start of the Course. Participants are encouraged to request student short-term Stata license at this link before the Course starts. In STATA classes, lecturers will present different databases and will make available data samples on which participants will carry out econometric exercises and interpret the results, in a similar way to the analyses discussed in the lectures.
Participants attending the Course and classes will obtain a certificate of attendance that could be used for credits in their own Ph.D. School

All Course material will be available on the website

For information please contact:

Local organizers:
Valerio Tati
Jelena Reljic
Dario Guarascio dario.guarascio@uniroma1.i


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