Tue. Jul 16th, 2024

“Happiness, well-being and (de)growth”. Torino, June 21, 2019


Happiness, well-being and (de)growth
International conference
Fondazione Luigi Einaudi, Via Principe Amedeo 34, Torino
21 June 2019


Andrew Clark (Paris) and Conchita D’Ambrosio (Luxemburg)
Good times, bad times: Well-being in times of growth and recession 

Leonardo Becchetti (Roma Tor Vergata)
Beyond homo economicus: Toward new well-being foundations

Emanuele Felice (Chieti-Pescara)
Happiness and economic history: How happiness changed over the long-run and the relationship with economics

Discussants: Pierluigi Conzo (Torino), Maria Laura Di Tommaso (Torino)


Maurizio Pugno (Cassino)
Enjoying life takes time. From economic growth to human development

Maria Cristina Marcuzzo (Roma La Sapienza)
Keynes on ethics and politics

Mario Cedrini (Torino) and Joselle Dagnes (Torino)
Stephen King’s “Needful Things”: A dystopian vision of capitalism during its triumph

Discussants: Sergio Cremaschi (Piemonte Orientale), Leonardo Becchetti


Serge Latouche (Paris)
La decrescita e i paradossi della felicità

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