Tue. Jul 16th, 2024

Cfp from 2 Working Groups at the IIPPE Annual Conference (September 12-14, 2018, Pula)



The State of Capitalism and the State of Political Economy
September 12-14, 2018, University of Pula (Croatia)

Call for Papers and Panels
“History of Economic Thought, Economic Methodology and Critique of the Mainstream” (HETMECoM) Working Group

Orthodox economic theory has been critically exposed following the 2008 world economic and financial crisis. A decade later, in terms of mainstream research and teaching, how much has changed? This is one of the basic questions to be explored in this year’s IIPPE Conference. The general mainstream response to the crisis has been that there is nothing wrong with its approach in general (through formal model building) only that better models with fuller and more relevant considerations need to be brought to bear, including greater attention to interdisciplinarity (aka economics imperialism), the role of finance, and less rigid behaviouralism (utility maximisation plus). In light of such developments, a major task is to assess critically the new orthodox heterodoxies, and how much they genuinely differ from neoclassical economics as well as how much they engage with, rather than contain or even dismiss, more radical alternatives across methodology, interdisciplinarity, theory and conceptualisation. Another task is how to promote a more deep-rooted political economy in teaching and research in the wake of the crisis and the mainstream responses to it.

Proposed themes for Papers or Panels:
• Mainstream Formalism: forms, causes, consequences
• Recent developments in mainstream microeconomics
• Recent developments in mainstream macroeconomics
• Mainstream pluralism vs real pluralism
• Economics Imperialism vs true interdisciplinarity
• Political Economy vs Mainstream Economics
Papers or Panels related to any of the other themes of the Working Group
(history of economic thought, economic methodology and philosophy of
economics) are also welcomed.

The submission deadline for abstracts is 15 March 2018. Abstracts must be
submitted via the Electronic Proposal Form, which you can access through
In case you cannot access the submissions forms, or have any questions
concerning your submission, please contact the HETMECoM Working Group
Coordinator: Dimitris Milonakis (d.milonakis@uoc.gr).


Call for Papers
At the Market of Values. Religions, Traditions and Human Ethics to Understand the Political Economy.
“Political Economy and Religions” Working Group

The Call for Paper aims at fulfilling essential purposes. To understand how actually the recent and financial crisis is also a crisis of religious and ethical values that have been excluded from the economic science legislation all over the centuries, starting from its financial origins to its effects on the real economy of citizens and enterprises. Incidentally, in its purpose, we want to analyze the ethical values of religious origin, such as solidarity, subsidiarity, common good, universal destination of good, social good, care and charity and see how these values can correct, lead and support the element that have been distorted by the traditional conventional economy of positivistic and marginal tendency. The comprehension of the religious influences that are able to change the direction of the conventional economy and those of the global capitalism means to use a non-conventional, practical and theoretical point of view, able to connect economy to the dimension from which depended before (the religion) and, therefore, the consequent philosophies and anthropologies deriving from that. An approach that is necessary, in order to understand the direction of the world capitalism in the XXI century and to consider the political economy as a result of the societies and cultures occurred over history.
Basically, we try to give an answer to the following questions: what are the religious roots, considered as the basis of the economic conception and of the capitalism of its logic and of its history? What are the reasons of the abandon of values and of the religious elements made by economy started from the middle of the XIX century, after the sunset of the civil-religious economy of the European enlightenment reformism? What are the proposals, the suggestions and the directions that the religions can give to the global capitalistic economy with their thoughts and politics, in a period of constant religious growth and where the structural crisis of the capitalism and the disparity among social classes, people and Nations increases?

We encourage abstracts from theoretical and practical point of view. To submit a paper, please go on IIPPE website (www.iippe.org) and fill the online Electronic Proposal Form, choosing “Political Economy and Religions” Working Group. Moreover, please send the abstract at the WG Coordinator, Salvatore Drago: drago73salvo@tiscali.it.
The deadline for submission is 15 March 2018.
The proposers may be included in the WG even if unable to attending the Conference.

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