Sat. Oct 26th, 2024

Cfp – 28th Annual ESHET Conference: Torino, Italy, 22-24 May 2025


28th Annual ESHET Conference: Torino, Italy, 22-24 May 2025

The 28th Annual ESHET Conference will occur at Università di Torino, Italia, from 22 to 24 May 2025.
The Conference’s theme is: “It’s the end of economics (as we know it)”, or the changing status of economics from a historical perspective.

Conference venue: Università di Torino, Campus Luigi Einaudi, Lungo Dora Siena 100A, 10153 Torino. Designed by Norman Foster, the Campus Luigi Einaudi has been included by CNN among the 10 most spectacular university buildings in the world, and hosts the Scuola di Scienze giuridiche, politiche ed economico-sociali of Università di Torino.
The main conference sponsors are: Dipartimento di Economia e Statistica “Cognetti de Martiis” (website) and Fondazione Luigi Einaudi, Torino (website)

Conference website:

Proposals for papers or sessions on all aspects of the history of economic thought are welcome.
As usual, participation in the conference is restricted to ESHET members. You cannot complete your conference registration if you are not an active member.
To join or renew your membership, please go to:

Note that there are at least 10 other good reasons to participate in the ESHET Conference in Torino.


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Call for papers

The main topic of the 28th ESHET Conference in Torino, 2025, is the changing face of economics, or the “end” of a traditional view of the discipline under the impact of three main forces.

  • First, specialization in research and the fragmentation promoted by the prevalence of a find-your-niche approach, as a pragmatic solution for the otherwise unmanageable burden of previously accumulated knowledge.
  • Second, the ever-increasing prestige of empirical research and the “applied turn” in economics, favored by new techniques and (big) data, but also by economics’ policy orientation.
  • Third, the new interdisciplinarity of economics and the transformative impact other disciplines are having upon it, as demonstrated by the variety of research programs in mainstream economics.

The future – and present – of economics is at a crossroads. The abovementioned factors are driving the discipline away from theory – from both standard theory but also, in general, from theory itself. On one side, economics seminars and papers increasingly appear as exercises in applied econometrics using hitherto unexplored databases for purposes of policy evaluations. On the other, the mainstream of the discipline seems characterized by unprecedented variety, being populated by a series of research programs that deviate from the neoclassical core and have their origins in other disciplines. From the monism of neoclassical theory, during the decades of economics imperialism – when economics was mainly theoretical – to today’s fragmentationit’s (or may be) the end of economics as we know it. While economics is now threatened by the risk of losing identity, with the fading out of (theoretical) foundations, it can explore an opportunity of pluralism, directing attention toward frontier issues, like innovation, sustainability, and gender, that most profit from the discipline’s applied turn and its new openness to neighboring social sciences.

The conference addresses the changing status of economics from a historical perspective. We welcome submissions on the conference theme and any topic in the history of economics and economic thought. The conference wants to examine, in particular, how economists have perceived their own research work and what, historically, societies expect from them or how societies react to their prescriptions. It aims at exploring the evolving connection between research technologies and how knowledge develops in economics, also in the light of the more general, philosophical issue of the persuasive power of technique in the present world. It seeks to analyze the shifting boundaries between economics and other disciplines, while generally reflecting upon economics’ insularity and desire for independence and the necessary interconnections with other sciences that the development of economics itself seems historically to require.

Last generalists” at an epoch of fragmentation, or specialists themselves among many others, historians of economic thought will be thus concerned with the importance of theory in structuring economics – the space occupied by theory in economics – and the importance of economics’ structure on theory – that is, how the core-periphery organization which traditionally separates the orthodoxy of neoclassical economics from heterodox approaches has impacted upon economic theory and how it is changing.


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The deadline for submitting abstract or session proposals is February 6, 2025.

The abstract should not exceed 400 words for a paper and 600 words for a session.

Authors must select a “submission area” identifying the paper’s main topic.

In the case of session proposals, submissions must be done individually: the title of the session should be mentioned either in the title of the paper or in the abstract.

Authors are notified of acceptance by February 20, 2025.


Please note that:

  1. published papers are not eligible for submission;
  2. only one conference presentation is allowed per person (but more than one submission may be accepted if involving co-authors who are also presenting);
  3. session proposals must conform to standard format (3 papers, 90 minutes).

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ESHET invites young scholars – persons currently enrolled in a PhD, or who have been awarded a PhD no more than two years before the date of the ESHET conference (and regardless of age) – to submit their work to the Young Scholars Seminar to be held on the occasion of the ESHET 2025 conference. Papers co-authored by PhD supervisors or other senior researchers are not eligible.

The grants for the scholars selected for the Young Scholars Seminar are sponsored by the European Journal of the History of Economic ThoughtUp to six submissions will be selected.

For those selected presenters who attend the conference in person, the travel expenses will be covered up to €300, the accommodation costs up to €80/night for three nights, and no registration fee will be charged. Moreover, the grantee scholars will be invited to the conference dinner. The authors of the selected papers will have 20 minutes each to present the paper, and a senior scholar will discuss it. Papers may be on any topic relevant to the history of economics and are not restricted to the conference theme.

ESHET encourages young scholars to participate in the conference. A one-year ESHET membership is offered to all young scholars who submit a paper. Papers not selected for the grant will be considered for presentation at other ESHET 2025 conference sessions.

Candidates should e-mail a paper no longer than 9000 words to (to the attention of Sylvie Rivot and Estrella Trincado) by February 22, 2025.

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Local organizing committee: Mario Cedrini (Università di Torino), Angela Ambrosino (Università di Torino), Stefano Fiori (Università di Torino), Alain Marciano (Università di Torino), Valentina Erasmo (Università di Torino), Alessandro Le Donne (Università di Torino), Antonella Palumbo (Università Roma Tre), Antonella Rancan (Università del Molise)

Scientific committee: Mario Cedrini (Università di Torino), Angela Ambrosino (Università di Torino), Maria Daou (Université de Montpellier), John B. Davis (Marquette University and University of Amsterdam), Pedro Duarte (INSPER Institute of Education and Research, São Paulo, Brasil), Danielle Guizzo (University of Bristol, UK), Sylvie Rivot (UHA Business School, Université de Haute-Alsace), Claudia Rotondi (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano), Richard Sturn (Universität Graz)

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Università di Torino and Fondazione Luigi Einaudi

Università di Torino (Unito) is one of the most ancient, prestigious, and largest Italian Universities. Open to international research and training, Unito carries out scientific research and organizes courses in all disciplines, except for Engineering and Architecture. Hosting almost 80.000 students and with 120 buildings in different areas in Turin and in key places in Piedmont, Unito can be considered as “city-within-a-city”, promoting culture and producing research, innovation, training and employment.

Established in 1964 with the donation of Luigi Einaudi’s collection, nowadays the Fondazione Luigi Einaudi (website) represents a landmark for social sciences. Over the years, the continuous growth of the library and the archive, together with the support given to young scholars through the scholarships, the promotion of publications and the organization of seminars and conferences have allowed the Foundation to fulfill its mission, making knowledge increasingly more accessible.

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Important dates

Feb. 6: Abstract and session submission

Feb. 20: Acceptance notification

Feb. 22: Deadline for Young Scholars submissions

Apr. 22: Deadline for early bird registration

May 04: Deadline for uploading papers

May 12: Deadline for late registration

May 22: Start of the Conference

May 24: End of the Conference

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What will make ESHET2025 a successful conference?

We are eager to receive your thoughts about how ESHET2025 should be.

Send us suggestions, and feel free to contact us for any inquiries:

A word cloud of the titles of the past 27 ESHET annual Conferences

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