Tue. Jul 16th, 2024

CEUS Workshop 2013 – The Future of Economic Policies in Europe


16-17 May, 2013 (Vallendar, Germany)

The Center for EUropean Studies (CEUS) at WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management is organizing a workshop on ‘The Future of Economic Policies in Europe’ being held on May 16 – 17, 2013. Founded in 2004, CEUS is an academic center that integrates both research and educational programs on European economic topics. CEUS invites participation of researchers from universities, international organizations and financial institutions. Participants of the workshop do not necessarily need to present a paper.

CEUS invites the submission of papers on various topics in economics related to the research fields listed below. Papers with an empirical, theoretical, and/or policy-oriented focus are welcome. Topics include (but are not limited to):

  •  Fiscal Sustainability
  •  Monetary Policy Design
  •  Interbank Market
  •  Inflation Dynamics
  •  Current Account (Im)Balances
  •  Macroprudential Supervision
  •  Real Effects of Debt
  •  Fiscal-Monetary Nexus

Please submit an extended abstract of the paper (approx. 800 words) or the complete paper along with a cover letter including paper title, name(s) of the author(s), as well as the mailing and email addresses of the presenting author to: Professor Michael Frenkel, Chair, Macroeconomics and International Economics, Economics Group, WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, Burgplatz 2, 56179 Vallendar, Germany. You can also submit your letter and abstract/paper electronically (preferably in pdf format). In this case, please send your mail to christina.strobach@whu.edu.

Submission deadline for the extended abstract of the paper is March 1, 2013. Authors will be notified about acceptance for presentation by March 22, 2013. Submission deadline for the complete paper is April 19, 2013. The workshop will be held on May 16 – May 17, 2013. Registration for participation in the workshop (for presenters as well as non-presenting attendees) is possible as of March 22. At that time, a tentative program and detailed information on hotels and transportation will be available. A participation fee of € 95 will be charged and will be due at the time of registration. It includes workshop material, beverages during the workshop, luncheons, and a dinner.

For more information on WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management seewww.whu.edu, and for more information on CEUS, see www.whu.edu/ceus.

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