Fri. Sep 27th, 2024

STOREP @ 17th AISPE Conference


XVII AISPE Conference
Regional Economic Integration and Multilateralism in Historical Perspective
Roma Tre University, 3-5 October 2024
Department of Political Science, Via G. Chiabrera 199

Friday 4 October 2024, 14.30-16.00

D4 – History of economic thought: perspectives from economists (with STOREP)
Room 2E
Chair: Maria Cristina Marcuzzo (Sapienza University, Rome)

  • Paolo Paesani (University of Rome, Tor Vergata)
    Richard Kahn on Keynes: A Case of Whiggism?
    Discussant: Paolo Trabucchi
  • Paolo Trabucchi (Roma Tre University)
    Walras’ Theory of Capital in Schumpeter’s History of Economic Analysis
    Discussant: Eleonora Sanfilippo
  • Nadia Garbellini (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia)
    From the Years of High Theory to the Global Financial Crisis: Structural Dynamics and the Pasinetti Archive
    Discussant: Maria Cristina Marcuzzo

Program download

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