Wed. Jul 17th, 2024

The STOREP Annual Conference (October 1-3, 2020) moves online


Having carefully evaluated the uncertainty and complexity of the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as the challenges that a face-to-face meeting would have caused, the Organizing committee of the STOREP 2020 Conference in Rome, originally scheduled for June and then postponed to October 1-3, has decided to take this year’s conference online.

The only possibility to hold the meeting in 2020, although a second best, the online format encourages a fruitful rethinking of the traditional ways of communicating the results of academic enquiries. We will do our best to keep things simple, as well as to provide the usual friendly atmosphere of STOREP Conferences. Besides, the new format will not prevent the participation of (event organization by) young scholars from INET and Rethinking Economics, nor loosen the connection with the two journals that (since last year) publish a selection of papers presented in the Conference (Review of Political Economy and Economia e lavoro).

In order to achieve the desired result, the scientific committee will take great care in evaluating submissions, so as to succeed in organizing a coherent, high-quality conference. Your cooperation is therefore simply indispensable. In particular, we ask you to:

  • Send your abstract/session proposal by July 15, 2020, via the submission website (note that there is no need to re-submit)
  • In case of acceptance (by July 30), submit your final paper strictly by August 31, 2020;
  • Become a STOREP member or renew your membership by that same date, August 31 (please note that there are no Conference registration fees – participants only have to correspond membership fees).

Note that participants have necessarily to submit full papers by the established deadline if they want to present and discuss their research. The submission procedure (website) is being modified to adapt to these developments.

Should the circumstances become so favourable as to allow us to hold the Conference in presence, we will of course revert to the usual format, but in any case we will ready either way to be sure that the 2020 Conference will be held.

We strongly encourage you to submit your proposal for the Conference. As always, be sure to stay tuned with STOREP activities via Website and Facebook page (like it!).

Conference webpage (to be revised)

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