Wed. Jul 17th, 2024

[:it]2011-2021 In memory of Pierangelo Garegnani (Univ. Roma Tre, Dec. 13-14)[:]


2011-2021 In memory of Pierangelo Garegnani
13-14 December 2021, Via Silvio D’Amico 77, Roma

For attendance in person, reservation is required by filling out this registration form.
The event will also be available online at the links reported below

Monday 13 December, 14:45 – 19:00 CET
Room 4 Online participation (via Microsoft Teams)* at

Chair: Antonella Stirati (Roma Tre University)
14:45 Welcome to participants

15:00 Roberto Ciccone (Roma Tre University)
The forthcoming collection of Garegnani’s works
15:45 General discussion

16:00 Heinz D. Kurz (University of Graz)
Keynes, Hayek, Sraffa: a triangular debate
16:45 General discussion

17:00 Coffee break

17:30 Paolo Trabucchi (Roma Tre University)
‘The calendar length of the week’. Considerations on the nature of the neo-Walrasian approach
18:00 General discussion

18:15 Daria Pignalosa (research fellow at Centro Sraffa)
‘The optimum output may be an optimum through time’: exercises in the determination of normal capacity utilization
18:45 General discussion

Tuesday 14 December, 14:45 – 18:45 CET
Room 5 Online participation (via Microsoft Teams)* at

Chair: Antonella Palumbo (Roma Tre University)

14:45 Massimo Pivetti (Sapienza University of Rome)
The surplus approach as ‘neo-Marxian’ political economy
15:30 General discussion

15:45 Fabio Petri (University of Siena)
Capital, macroeconomics and perfect foresight
16:30 General discussion

16:45 Coffee break

17:15 Attilio Trezzini (Roma Tre University)
Garegnani archive: a preliminary description
17:45 General discussion

18:00 Stefano Di Bucchianico (research fellow at Roma Tre University)
The integrated wage-commodity sector and the surplus equation
18:30 General discussion

Due to sanitary reasons, in-person participation requires registration.
Please fill in this form.
Tuesday 14 December, 14:45 – 18:45 CET

*For access problems write to: or


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